Priceless luxury at affordable prices.

Our prices are per night and include breakfast. And don’t forget to check out our packages. Don’t hesitate to phone or email for further details.

Guideline price per night ls/ms/hs1 person2 persons3 persons
Caramel€ 120€ 150/155/165€ 160 (on request)
Cuberdon€ 120€ 145/150/165
Nougat€ 160/165/175€ 200/205/215
Chocolat€ 165/180/185
Bike hiree-bike on request
Picnic€ 16 per person

Gift tokens

We can supply gift tokens. We also accept Vlaanderen Holiday Cheques: please book directly in that case.

Useful information

Please don’t take your own drinks into the breakfast room. No pets are allowed. Payment by Bancontact or in cash.


You can book in between 16:00 and 18:00 hours. If arriving outside these hours please notify us by telephone.


Rooms should be vacated by 11:00 hours. Guests leaving much later than this may be charged extra.

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